thanks for the 128kbps memories, 2022. Two channel projection, four-channel sound, arduino infrared sensor.
thanks for the 128kbps memories is an immersive installation that utilizes glitch aesthetics and computer-generated imagery to reference, create, and highlight how tenuous the connections of memory are. In the piece, a series of images created by a text-to-image AI image generator from my most recalled memory is projected onto the wall as viewers step into a circle on the floor, along with the prompts, texts about the memory, and the terms and limitations of the AI model.
These AI systems are trained on a set of image and word pairs, in order to create new images when given text prompts. However, these images can only reflect the content, biases, and assumptions of the source dataset in a loop of endlessly recreating the world as it is depicted. I am interested in how this reflects the neuroscientific process through which the human brain overwrites a memory each time it has to recall that memory. We are all in loops of our own design, rewriting and reinscribing our own systems and memories. I plan to feed these images into a program I write, looping and merging the images into each other. Because the prompts I am feeding the AI are of memories rooted in specific spaces, projecting the images into a third space both re-creates the experience for the viewers, as well as distorting a moment made fallible by digital technology and our brain-as-technology.
ai image generator prompt generator, companion website to installation: